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renewable energy aniomation

renewable energy animaiton

renewable energy aniomation

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renewable energy aniomation

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renewable energy animaiton

What is renewable energy? Do you know its types?

Renewable energy is a set of energies produced by nature, such as wind and solar energy. These energy sources never end or run out, but are replenished. In these energies, the rate of production is higher than the rate of consumption.

Other types of energy include fossil fuels, which take hundreds of millions of years to produce and are burned to produce energy, but the consumption of this energy source is harmful to our atmosphere and produces greenhouse gases.

While burning these fossil fuels produces more emissions than renewable energies, and in today’s world, a large percentage of greenhouse gases produced belong to fossil fuels. Currently, renewable energies are much cheaper and more affordable, and their use is recommended. In this article from renewabled3d , we intend to introduce you to these renewable resources.

Types of Renewable Energy animation

Renewable energy sources such as sunlight, geothermal, water, wind, etc. are natural resources that can be used as clean energy that does not harm the environment. Now, in this section, we will mention the types of these energies;

  • Biomass
  • Geothermal
  • Hydrogen
  • Hydroelectricity
  • Marine energy
  • Solar energy
  • Wind energy


Join us in this article from renewabled3d to explain some of these energies;

Solar energy animation

It can be said unequivocally that one of the most abundant energy sources on Earth is solar energy, which can be used even in adverse weather conditions such as rainfall. The rate of solar energy production is equal to or 10,000 times greater than human energy consumption on Earth.

With this technology, we can produce and use heat, cooling, natural lighting, electricity, and fuel. This technology is generated by panels that you may have seen and are known as photovoltaic panels or by mirror-shaped screens that collect and convert this energy into electrical energy.

If we want to mention the cost of this technology, the cost of installing and operating this technology has decreased greatly in recent years and is very affordable and can be considered the cheapest type of electricity. The lifespan of these panels is about 30 years and, depending on the materials used, they are available in different colors.

It is noteworthy that not all countries benefit from solar energy to the same extent, but a significant share of this energy and its use is possible for all countries.

Hydropower animaiton

Hydropower is another alternative source of energy that is used to produce this energy by building dams and reservoirs on flowing rivers, and energy is produced in this way, in such a way that the kinetic energy in the flowing water causes turbines to start generating electricity. In another form, the energy from the ocean tides, which is converted into waves, is taken from the ocean surface to generate electricity. In both cases, a very large amount of electricity is generated.

In today’s world, the source of hydroelectric energy can be considered one of the largest sources of electricity generation. This energy is affected by rainfall, and in the event of drought and lack of rainfall, the level of production of this energy also decreases, so as a result, the rainfall pattern has a significant impact on this energy source.

Unfortunately, the infrastructure of creating a hydroelectric power plant causes problems for the ecosystem and may have adverse effects on the ecosystem. For this reason, these power plants are built in remote locations and smaller sizes because it is more compatible with nature.

Wind energy animation

Wind energy animation

We have been using this energy easily for thousands of years, for example, using windmills to pump water from the ground. In addition, today we generate electricity from wind power using large turbines. We use the air flow of the earth’s surface to start the turbines.

The best places to build wind farms are in remote areas and outside the city. Fortunately, many places have high wind speeds, but offshore wind power has tremendous potential.

Geothermal energy animaiton

Geothermal energy animation

Geothermal energy comes from the heat stored in the earth. This energy is usually taken from hot springs and volcanoes. These reservoirs are naturally hot and permeable, and these resources are extracted from the earth by wells or other means. These resources are used to heat water and other things.

Once these resources are extracted and reach the surface of the earth by various methods, fluids with different temperatures can be used to generate electricity. This technology has been used for about 100 years.


Ocean energy animation

In ocean energy, the kinetic and thermal energy of seawater, such as tides and waves, is used to generate electricity or heat.

These systems are still quite new and are being tested. But it is hoped that modern and efficient technologies for this type of energy will be produced in the coming years.


Bioenergy is the biological energy obtained from organic materials called biomass such as wood, charcoal, and other animal manures that are used to produce heat and electricity and agricultural products for liquid biofuels.

The largest consumption of these biomasses is used in villages for uses such as cooking, lighting, and space heating. This energy is usually used by the poorer sections of society.

Biomasses are obtained and used from specific crops or trees, agricultural and forestry residues, and various organic waste streams.

This energy is a type of limited energy and burning biomass produces greenhouse gases, although to a lesser extent than fossil fuels.


Benefits of renewable energy

These energies have many benefits and affect the economy, the environment, and the health of people. Now, we will mention some of these benefits in this section.


  • Increasing the reliability, security and flexibility of the country’s electricity grid
  • Increasing job opportunities
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • Affordability
  • Access to this energy by all communities
  • Making communities independent in energy production

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